Unlike most clubs, rather than requiring our general members to acquire service hours, our Student Council has its own points system. The concept is ideally similar to volunteer / service hours except we don't take outside "hours" and only provide point opportunities for STUCO related events / activities. Along with our points, we do not have a demerit system. We deem our general members capable of holding themselves accountable and responsible for the time / effort they devote to our club.
What is the points system?
Our STUCO Points System serves as an advantageous opportunity for members of our club whether they have joined early or late within their time at Peachtree Ridge.
Members that joined as a Freshman, and have stayed consistently, only need to earn 35 points per semester.
Members that joined as a Sophomore must earn 40 points per semester.
Members that joined as a Junior need to earn 45 points per semester. Lastly, members that joined as a Senior need to earn 50 points a semester.
If you find that you've quit Student Council in one of your years and are choosing to return, your point requirements will be according to the year that you are returning / joining. For example, if you joined freshman year, quit the club in your sophomore year, and now you are joining again junior year, you must earn 45 points per semester.
If you remain in the club but have not met the requirements from the previous semester / school year, you will make up for those points in the following semester / school year.
For Student Council, we provide points for events and activities that are related to us. Committees will offer many opportunities to earn points through activities such as flyer / sign / poster making, decorating meetings, event volunteering, donations, fundraising, participation, and much more. We greatly encourage involvement at PRHS, so we also allow attending STUCO meetings / events / activities, sports events, fine arts events, etc. count as points opportunities.
Earning Student Council points is not a difficult task as we want everyone to be able to meet their semester requirements. We provide a variety of point opportunities within each month and throughout the entire school year to give our general members the freedom to participate in activities to their liking. In our Master Point Spreadsheet we provide a calendar of all the possible points you can earn with certain activities throughout the year. We frequently update the calendar with every ongoing / upcoming opportunity that is created by our officers.
How do I earn points?
How do I
submit points?
Unlike previous years, point submission forms will be available on the Student Council Google Classroom due to new internet policies. The point submission form will also be uploaded along with meeting slides (which were previously emailed). It will close at the end of the day, and general STUCO information will be on the Google Classroom from 2022 and on.
Google Classroom Code: ar7tnam
Through this form, you will fill in each portion with the accurate responses, according to the activities you participated in, as well as submitting the proof pictures taken for specific events / opportunities. Our Secretary and Vice President will then enter your respective points into our Master Points Spreadsheet where you can view your standings in STUCO.