Megan Rainwater
Student Council Lead Sponsor
Mrs. Rainwater is starting her 9th year at Peachtree Ridge. She teaches 9th-grade World Geography and is our lead Student Council advisor! Mrs. Rainwater loves taking pictures and spending time outdoors, when the weather cooperates. Mrs. Rainwater is married and has two daughters, one at Mountain View and one at UGA!
Michelle Fowler
Outreach Sponsor
Mrs. Fowler is the Outreach Sponsor for Student Council. Her team puts on Trunk or Treat and Festival of Nations for our community and student body. She loves working with our student leaders and helping them bring these great events to fruition!
Amy Wildey
HOCO/PROM Co-Advisor
This is Mrs. Wildey's first year as an advisor for Student Council, but this is her 21st year teaching social studies at Peachtree Ridge. She's excited to be working on Homecoming and Prom, but really all the STUCO events. When she's not a t school, Mrs. Wildey enjoys traveling, gardening, reading, and spending time with her husband, 2 children and dog!
Elaine Vernon
Hoco/Prom Co-Advisor & Senior Class Advisor
This is Mrs. Vernon's third year as a Student Council advisor at PRHS and 17th year of teaching French. "Madame V" will be working on Homecoming and Prom this year along with Mrs. Wildey. She will be also be supporting the senior class as the Senior Class Sponsor. She is excited to work with the students and help them to create memorable years here at PRHS!
Elder Alcantara
Student Council Advisor
This is Mr. Alcantara's 3rd year of teaching at Peachtree Ridge High School and 2nd year of being a part of Student Council. He teaches physics and coaches soccer here at PRHS!